Return and Refund Policy

The 21-day return period at begins on the day you get your purchases.
If you are unhappy with any item, you can return it to our warehouse for a full refund; however, the damaged package due to your negligence won’t be fully repaid.
You can return items by submitting a web ticket using our return link, and you’ll receive an RMA number once you do.
Conditions for a Complete Refund.
The condition of the items must be the same as when they were purchased.
The returned merchandise must have all its original packing, a blank warranty card, and a UPC; no rebates should have been requested or claimed.
Items must be shipped back to us at your cost using a trackable shipping method and with full insurance.

You will be required to pay an estimated $0.95 per pound fee to cover the expense of return shipping if you decide to have pick up and exchange the item(s) from your home or the delivery place.
We will subtract an estimated $2.00 per pound fee to cover the return shipping costs from your refund if you decide to have pick up and return the item(s) from your home or the delivery place.
The cost of return postage, estimated to be $2.00 per pound, will be deducted from your refund if you decline delivery for any reason other than a damaged item.

If you decide to reject the entire package because only a portion of your order is damaged, the cost of return shipping for the undamaged goods (estimated at $2 per pound) will be deducted from the amount of your refund.
The cost of return postage (estimated at $2 per pound) will be deducted from the amount of your refund for any items that are returned to us because the address supplied was incorrect and the items could not be delivered.
If you decide to cancel or return an item from your order after it has shipped, we will charge an estimated $2 per pound from your refund to cover the cost of return postage.

If any one item in your order that was part of a package offer were returned or canceled, the discount would be null and void, and you would not receive credit for the total amount of the reduction.
A charge will be subtracted from your refund amount if parts or accessories from the original packing are missing.
As we ask for return shipments to be insured, if the product(s) returned are found to be damaged or not in the condition it was delivered, we will ask you to make a claim with the carrier for a refund.

When a Product Is Non-Returnable
More than 21 days have passed since the day you received your shipment.
“Final Sale” or “Special Order” markings are present.
Item is installed or is in used condition.
The product(s) you want to return have a completed warranty card, have been registered or serviced, or have had rebates submitted or claimed for them.

Policy for Cancelling Orders
Before shipping, you can cancel your order anytime and without incurring any fees.
If you decide to cancel or return your item after it has been sent and assigned a tracking number, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund at a rate of about $2.00 per pound.
Products marked “Special Order” or “Final Sale” can never be canceled.

You will lose your package discount and receive a credit for less than the total amount of the value if you cancel, return, or exchange any portion of your transaction.
If you would like to cancel an order scheduled to be dropped-shipped from a manufacturer or vendor or shipped from a third party, you must get cancellation confirmation from the seller.
Requesting and orally acknowledging the cancellation confirmation number from the call center is necessary.
Order cancellations are permitted at any moment by